Lindsay Lohan on the Today Show of the Day

I only hate Lindsay Lohan cuz she ignores me after celebrating a beautiful night in a hotel together…with other people cuz you have to understand for months she was texting me all the time….back in her crazy days….before she decided to get herself on track….even though by the looks of her she looks far crazier now….

So I sent her this message….

Because her face is hilarious….she didn’t answer me….

I can’t understand why she’s doing this shit to herself…cuz she’s hotter when not jacked up with injection of putty.

But even more hilarious is her interview on the Today show….I am amazed she’s only 25…..I still find her hot…I am ready for her Oscar….I just preferred her when she was addicted to drugs and made bad choices like hanging with me.

Lindsay Lohan on the Today Show of the Day March 1st, 2012