Ashley Greene’s Shitty Ass Flash of the Day

The highlight of Ashley Greene’s career was not signing onto Twilight, to be part of the biggest thing to hit movies since Hunger Games destroyed box offices, making all their money back the first weekend with their first movie in their franchise, although her being on Twilight did make her a household name, something that was probably important to her…..but not as important as when she dated the Jonas Brothers, to further market herself to the tween audience, all while pretending to fuck, like anyone over 17 doesn’t fuck, unless we’re talking about you, but that’s different, because you’re creepy, awkward and a loser….unable to seduce even the ugliest of women cuz you’re too busy jerking off….but I have hope for you, like I had hope for this fake born again virgin for marketing…cuz girls are easy, you just have to learn how to play them….and Ashley Greene is easy too, you just have to promise her more fame, more exposure and be able to contribute to her teams bigger marketing picture….a picture that includes her in fishnets flashing a bit of ass on set….I dig it….almost as much as I dig her fake sexless relationships.



Ashley Greene’s Shitty Ass Flash of the Day March 26th, 2012