Pink’s New Tits of the Day

As you probably know, it is very possible that Pink was born a man. Throughout her career, pre-staging a pregnancy to debunk rumors that she was a man, she was always fucking ripped and disgusting and any man who openly called her hot or addmitted to getting turned on by her, was one I immediately pegged as on the fence about his homo predisposition and into exploring that world with one tranny at a time, and it might as well be a famous bitch with lots of money…

Well, here she is with some tits, that make you wonder if she purchased them as part of her transition, or if they are a result of hormone therapy cuz her husband likes tits along with dick clits and her lack of tit was the reason they divorced before getting back together because she threatened to tell the world thee truth about her gender, only to make him out to be some kind of homo, not something cool in his action sport industry…..or maybe, there is a slight chance she is actually a chick, and having the baby just set off a series of biological things like turning her muscle into fat you want to suck…

Then again, maybe it’s all just photoshop….

More importantly….who fucking cares..before today I just assumed Pink was dead…

Pink’s New Tits of the Day May 8th, 2012