Terry Richardson Shoots Some Topless Bitch Named Hannah of the Day

As you know, Terry Richardson is a famous fashion photographer who shoots pretty much everyone…and posts the behind the scenes on his site TERRYSDIARY….

Well finally he has decided to use his celebrity status and position in the fashion world to exploit unknown bitches to get naked in exchange for a dream of exposure, or at least associaition with being shot by the overrated master…..

Historically, he used to shoot real smutty pics, you know before going corporate…and now that he is as big as he is, he should be using that to get the pics girls weren’t willing to do back when he was making what was borderline porn, positioned as fashion….

Sure, this Hannah bitch may just be showing tit, but it is a window into the potential he has with groupies and non famous girls with a dream….

I endorse these part time model tits as sign of what is to come….

Terry Richardson Shoots Some Topless Bitch Named Hannah of the Day May 18th, 2012