Carmen Electra and Ronda Rousey Sparringsm of the Day

Carmen Electra needs better management.

I realize the stars who were representing her in the 90s when she successfully made the move from girl in Playboy to girl on MTV who made a lot of money…something very few girls have done before her….but it was back in the Pam Anderson / Jenny McCarthy/ Hef was booking hot enough girls for the mag, cuz he wasn’t a senile fuck who developed a love for manly lookin’ bitches with bad hair and bad tits, that if you’ve ever seen Playboy the last 3 years, you can probably agree with…unless you are one of Hef’s girls and this makes you sad and feel bad about yourself, which is should….

But what ever this hanging on to what she had strategy is, it is horrible. She’s staging self shot bikinii pics at her house, these are the third or fourth self-produced trying to be sexy acting like she’s not 40 in the last 2 months, hoping to get noticed, and this time she recruited a UFC girl with a huge fan base to join her, in efforts to steal some of her fans and get noticded…

It is pathetic…but not as pathetic as some of her club night appearances….

Sometimes, it is time to hang up the thong and retire gracefully….this is one of those times.



Carmen Electra and Ronda Rousey Sparringsm of the Day July 27th, 2012