Miley Cyrus Ripped Stomach of the Day

Miley Cyrus has an amazing fucking body, which is all I really care about, because I don’t have the luxury of being in her entourage, or having her sit on my face, grinding against my chin, until she squirts….so I don’t get the benefits of listening to her whine, complain, like the annoying spoiled brat that she is….so in a lot of ways, those of us who don’t have to hear her talk, who don’t have to listen to her shit, and who don’t have to wipe her ass for her, even though we’d like that as long as we get to use our tongue as toilet baber….are the lucky ones, cuz we can just crop out her muppet head and jerk off and focus on her good parts…it is all about looking on the bright side of your pathetic facebook profile pic masturbation existence…

Miley Cyrus Ripped Stomach of the Day August 3rd, 2012