Brooke Burke Irresponsible Drinking in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Wild On Mom….Brooke Burke…..was tapping into her roots like she’s not a mom of 10, like she’s not 40, like she’s still some breast implanted party slut getting paid to travel the world and show the public that cheesy people live everywhere, party the same everywhere no matter what beach they are at, or what bikini top they are wearing at said beach, it is all straight up groundhog day…..but the good news is that she had the decency to wear a one piece, something most moms of 10 in their 40s who are far less fit than this hooker seem to do….because for some reason they think their ravaged stomachs, all stretch marked and stretched out, are ok to expose…and that reason is called giving the fuck up…throwing in the towel on sex appeal…a point that Brooke Burke’s not quite at…cuz I’d still fuck her…whether she was pregnant with number 11….or not….

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Brooke Burke Irresponsible Drinking in a Bathing Suit of the Day August 15th, 2012