Candice Bailey is some Sara Jean Underwood, Olivia Munn impersonator who runs some nerd shit as the host of Attack of the Show….a show that exists because of virgin losers who can’t let go….I’ve never seen the shit, but can assume it is the fucking worst…and that I assume no one even watches anymore….not even the ever-loyal nerds….cuz nerds aren’t into TV, since there’s no keyboard attached to it…..a show that is just arround cuz without it G4TV doesn’t exist…..and either would a strategy for girls to seduce nerds into thinking they are anything but hollywood cunts who don’t have the time of day for them….since they are on a mission and not a space mission….to the fucking top…..but I don’t mind their lie when they are posing with breaded, deep fried, hot dogs….making blowjob insinuatons for everyone to laugh at how silly she is….and for her nerds to jerk off to by putting ketchup and mustard on their dicks to make this like some virtual reality my dick looks like the corn dog in her hand shit…provided they don’t cum themselves just by looking at the pic first…..