Heidi Klum Bikini for Twitter of the Day

Most guys hate knowing a girl banged a black guy….possibly cuz they are racist…or maybe cuz they fear competiting with their athleticism and rumored huge penis….because I have never met a white guy…not even a wigger who was proud knowing his bitch had gone black at one point in her life…but I’m not like most guys…I love it…cuz I know that the girl in question is a dirty little slut…who likes to get fucked hard…and who gives into her animal instinct and carnal desire…and that makes for good times…even if my penis doesn’t touch the walls of her vagina…cuz shit’s been so ravaged….Heidi Klum is one of those naughty girls and she still looks great in a bikini…

Heidi Klum Bikini for Twitter of the Day August 28th, 2012