I didn’t watch the VMAs cuz I am not 12….but I do know, thanks to Rihanna and Chris Brown that love doesn’t die when you stage being beat up because hollywood and celebrity is a fucking lie….you see cuz famous people have no fucking souls…especially when bitches like Rihanna is the source….it’s all about getting fucking hits…and no one really knows the actual truth…but what we do know is that they milked the fuck out of this hard…and still are…cuz that’s just the way this bullshit world fucking works….Who cares, oh right, millions of people who are buzzing about his, even if it doesn’t fucking matter……even if Chris Brown did hit the bitch, we should only be mad he didn’t kill her. She’s the worst and this just proves it…she should not be kissing anyone who beat the shit out of her….what type of message does this teach the tweens who care about this shit…to stay with an abuser? I guess coupled with her highly sexed up songs about the smell of sex, she’s helping breed a bright tomorrow. The worst.