I am only posting this because I think it is funny this Daniela Katzenberger exists….
She’s famous in Germany and has a song that was number 19 on the German charts, the same charts that paid David Hasselhoff’s rent in the 90s, which is not saying much about her talent….here’s her video for you to judge her yourself….it has 17,000 views so clearly number 19 in Germany doesn’t take much….it’s a Samanatha Fox remix…if that’s saying anything about her for those of you older than 30.
She looks like a tranny, an attention seeker, her mom was on Big Brother and she had her own show where she tried to meet Hefner and be in playboy…neither worked…
Now she’s producing awkward, low quality, almost satirical calendars…ad hey got my attention….
Hilarious….this made my day…which isn’t saying much about my day…