I don’t know when Rihanna posted this pic, cuz I don’t see it on her recent instagram pics, but I am posting it anyway….cuz Rihanna is amazing…not because she was posting prayers for her love Chris Brown who is famous for beating her and is going on trial for beating her….because she’s either insane, or a woman of the church, who believes we are all god’s children and we must forgive as if we are Jesus….but based on the pics she produces celebrating that she’s God’s child, I figure she’s likely just insane…..unless you don’t think sympathizing wih the abuser is insane….because love can move mountains, all you need is love, love is a powerful thing….or if you’re like me and my Bajan friend who think she probably beat herself in a jealous rage and called the cops on him as girls sometimes do….
Rihanna is amazing…because she produces pictures like this for the internet for free….when she doesn’t fucking half to. She’s rich and this is not necessary like it is for all the other whores….
It is genius….in a totally primal, non-intellectual, genius kind of way.