Stella Hudgens Underage Cat Cleavage of the DAy

Oh shit…Stella Hudgens….16 year old sister to underage porn producer turned actor in such hits as….High School Musical…Vanessa Hudgens….has stolen SELENA GOMEZ’S SHITTY COSTUME only she modified it in a way that included some fucking tit.

Sure…she’s making that idiotic tween duck face…that all idiotic tween girls…especially the vain/slutty ones make because they obviously think it makes them look sexier….but she’s also showing off some tit….in a way that makes me think she’s pulled all the write morals and values from her family of child prostituting stage parents….and an older sister she looks up to who knows a thing or two about getting naked on the internet at 17 for attention….and it kinda works for me….because I know what’s to come…and it is nothing but good things.

Stella Hudgens Underage Cat Cleavage of the DAy November 1st, 2012