Julianne Hough Bikini Pics of the Day

Julianne Hough interests me as much as she interests her boyfriend Ryan Seacrest….and that’s not very much….only unlike Ryan Seacrest, my disinterest has nothing to do with her lack of a penis…but instead it has to do with her average at best looks…not to mention…as a professional dancer…all I see is failed stripper…even if she’s living the professional dancer dream of being cast to dance on TV, in music videos and movies….cuz I prefer the professional dancer reality…you know that she’s actually made it as more than just a front for Seacrest’s sexuality to hide his sexy relationship with Simon Cowell….and here she is in a bikini and it’s as boring as a white bikini can be.



Julianne Hough Bikini Pics of the Day January 7th, 2013