Rihanna Dressed Seriously Inapropriate by the Pool of the Day

Rihanna is an alleged ex teenage hooker….and she’s pretty sold her soul to the devil to get to this level of celebrity…that really must be kind of insane for her to manage…being from a small island where the most action you get is sucking of Simon Cowell at the Polo club….if you’re lucky….and in selling her soul…and showcasing to the world that she’s got no real morals or values…and that she’s go no real self respect or care for her fans….and that she’s pretty much an exhibitionist….these poolside pics are a disappointment…I expect more spread labia…and tears…as she continues to lose herself in her fame….because it always fucking happens…it’s just a matter of when….a ticking timebomb…I want to see more naked…but not of that Kate Upton lookin thing bending over her for the camera….

Rihanna Dressed Seriously Inapropriate by the Pool of the Day February 19th, 2013