Kate Uptons Fat Chick Tits Promote Shoes of the Day

This campaign is so fucking appropriate because……FAT GIRLS LOVE SHOES!!!THEY FUCKING LOVE SHOES!!!!!! You see cuz Kate Upton, may not be a fat chick today, but that body is built for obesity and in time….when her metabolism slows down…you will all see what I’ve been saying since first seeing her saggy, hormones in the foot, sloppy tits and weird 40 year old mom hips….

In the event you were wondering….The reason fat girls love shoes is because it is the one thing on them that maintains a constant size…so if she’s a size 7 in college…she’ll likely be a size 7 at 40…..and when shopping for shoes she can get away with the “I’m the same size as I was 20 years ago”….which she cant do when trying on anything else…leaving out any depression that surrounds shopping…hence why fat chicks all have massive shoe collections…it is a fact….a fact as true as Kate Upton being a spokesperson for fat chicks everywhere….in this borderline erotic campaign..cuz luckily for her…she’s not a fat chick yet.

Kate Uptons Fat Chick Tits Promote Shoes of the Day February 21st, 2013