Rihanna is a “People of Walmart” of the Day

This is the worst ever picture of Rihanna, and not just because she’s shopping at Walmart like a normal trash bitch who gets beat by her husband….or some fat white girl buying processed food to keep her fat and desirable for black dudes to father her multiple 50 shades of black babies, but because motherfucker didn’t have a very good camera. You’d think if Rihanna was shopping at your local Walmart, at least one motherfucker would snap off a pic of her buying something humiliating, or bending down to really see if the lowest price is the law….and the funny think is that people are shocked by this pic, like they don’t realize she’s a gully whore from the Islands who probably was raised off of 5,000 dollars a year, dreaming of going to Puerto Rico to one day visit Walmart, to taste America, before she realized at 15, that it was easier to taste british dudes for money, who were connected, taking her out of the gutter shanty, and to Jay Z, to make a fortune. Fascinating, underbelly shit….

Rihanna is a “People of Walmart” of the Day April 2nd, 2013