Yulia Volkova from TATU Modeling Lingerie in Russian of the Day

I know that celebrities don’t matter, and that it’s almost a joke at how much attention they get, which is why I started the site. It was some social commentary on how ridiculous the whole thing is, these people don’t fucking matter, what matters is the girls around you who are broken down and willing to fuck or not fuck or at least be stared at by you, cuz that’s what real life is, this celebrity shit doesn’t fucking matter….

But in that celebrity world that doesn’t matter, there are celebrities who don’t fucking matter, at least compared to the other celebrities and in people who really don’t matter news, here’s Yulia from the Russian pop band tattoo posing hot for some Russian magazine…half naked and amazing

Yulia Volkova from TATU Modeling Lingerie in Russian of the Day April 15th, 2013