Ireland Baldwin Has Sex in the Ocean of the Day

Ireland Baldwin posted these pics to her instagram.

She is the 6 foot 2, IMG Model Agency Signed, 17.75 year old girl, who as her size and hips would suggest, has the hormones of a 27 year old in heat, ready to make babies, unable to keep it in her pants, not even when the paparazzi is watching, I mean especially when the paparazzi is watching, because what better way to piss off your dad and make a name for yourself by being a celebrity wild child the media waste their time talking about, because without being Alec Baldwin and Kim Bassigner’s daughter, she wound’t matter in the world, but even while being their daughter, she doesn’t have to be working it for the paparazzi for attention.

This is what happens when daddy doesn’t hug you enough I guess. The broken girls with daddy issues are always the ones who hit puberty the youngest, I’m talking 8 years old.

I don’t feel dirty posting a 17.75 year old in a bikini, because I am not lusting after this one, and I also know nothing really changes from 17.75 and 18, so it’s virtually the same thing, just don’t get caught with naked pics of her….naked pics you know her Stand Up Paddle Boarding boyfriend has….

FBI – He’s the one you want, not the readers of this site.

Young love, can’t wait for it to all go wrong, as it always does.

I blame it all on her blocking me on Twitter.



Ireland Baldwin Has Sex in the Ocean of the Day June 4th, 2013