Topless Guy Rocks The Dancefloor of the Day

This dude is one of the coolest guys on the internet right now…

I can almost relate to his hustle, because so many times I have been at the club and I’ve found myself watching girls twerk, only to press myself up to them with a boner, for a cheap thrill, and a little grind…I figure 1 out of every 100 you do that too will be too drunk to realize you’re disgustingly fat..and next thing you know you’re fingering the bitch on the dance floor, like God intended you to do…it’s a numbers game, cast that net, cuz eventually one will stick…at least that’s what you hope.

I’ve never done it topless, but I should, it makes it way more hilarious.

Topless Guy Rocks The Dancefloor of the Day June 25th, 2013