All I have to say about this is that this shoulda been Lohan…and I am sure Lohan will be the first to say that…and I am sure Lohan, while sitting in her fake rehab watching youtube videos looks at this with anger. I mean back when I used to talk to Lohan, she straight up singled Amanda Seyfried out once and called her a bitch…they were in Mean Girls together, so this Amanda Seyfried winning at Lohan’s game with Lohan’s only casting in the last 5 years…is like a real fuck you…and that kind of cat fight is what masturbation is made of….
I like how they make Porn look like a sad, broken place…because it is.
Amanda Seyfried
Amanda Seyfried in the Lovelace Trailer of the Day
All I have to say about this is that this shoulda been Lohan…and I am sure Lohan will be the first to say that…and I am sure Lohan, while sitting in her fake rehab watching youtube videos looks at this with anger. I mean back when I used to talk to Lohan, she straight up singled Amanda Seyfried out once and called her a bitch…they were in Mean Girls together, so this Amanda Seyfried winning at Lohan’s game with Lohan’s only casting in the last 5 years…is like a real fuck you…and that kind of cat fight is what masturbation is made of….
I like how they make Porn look like a sad, broken place…because it is.