Bar Refaeli for Fox of the Day

It is safe to say that this is the worst shoot ever.

I mean they hired Bar Refaeli, who despite being on the tail end of her career and looks, is still Bar Refaeli and probably charging more than she did at her peak, you know how these old timers in retirement do things, you gotta make it worth their while to get them out of the house, leaving no budget for a photographer, so either a friend of the family with a good camera was brought in, or they borrowed the studio at SEARS cuz they know the manager and he let them in after hours, and whatever it is, it’s a waste of Bar Refaeli tits, even if the milk in them expired back when Leonardo DiCaprio was done with her….

That said, every pic from this set makes me laugh.

Bar Refaeli for Fox of the Day July 8th, 2013