Guy on Drugs of the Day

Thanks to drugs, the world is a more interesting place.

The other night some dude was kicking random store windows screaming that he wanted to kill everyone….before the cops jumped him and shoved his face into the ground….

Earlier today, some hipster kid was walking down the street and dropped his pants and took a shit in the middle of the street…

Then there is this guy, who is seemingly pretty fucking normal, freaking the fuck out, because he took a molly, but the problem with Molly is that it is never Molly, but rather fucking meth and other garbage thrown together for idiots to rave on…

Real Molly…doesn’t do any of this shit to anyone, which is too bad because it would make all those EDM parties a little more tolerable…

It’s just never ending good times…and the commentator needs his own TV show. “He’s got to drink some milk”…what?

Guy on Drugs of the Day September 16th, 2013