Lacey Banghard Topless for NUTS of the Day

Lacey Banghard…is a Glamour Model with the most appropriate name…because that is what every soccer player or dude in the UK with money is paying her to do when she’s not exposing her tits in magazines for perverts like you…probably for free…because this is her marketing campaign for her sideline escorting that she probably doesn’t think is escorting like many escorts or gold diggers who feel entitled and deserving of the shit, and as they spend their husbands money on their designer clothes…they somehow think half of it is theirs…even though they are really only there for their tits…but in a life where you only exist cuz of your tits…I guess you lose sight of that, or don’t really see it the same way as anyone with a fucking brain…

Here she is flashin’…

Lacey Banghard Topless for NUTS of the Day September 17th, 2013