Ginger Spice Implants in a Bikini of the Day

Geri Halliwell may be an old as fuck titty model turned popstar turned popstar no one cared about but who didn’t need people to care about her or her rocking titty model body because she made so much money she was set for life…and now, close to two decades later…she’s out in a bikini, her titty model tits that I am sure are newer purchases, that aren’t quite as old as her titty model career, are busting out of a bikini, and it’s not as disgusting as the Date of Birth on her Diver’s License would make you think….but then again, these are just bikini pics and not a gynaecological exam..where everything could easily change with one speculum and a latex glove…

Ginger Spice Implants in a Bikini of the Day September 24th, 2013