Nina Agdal Posing With her Giant Ass of the Day

Nina Agdal, the pussy Adam Levine tainted and fired, who looks half retarded but liked by the model industry because she has a rocking’ body, that looks good in a bikini, and that probably charges the retard prate, like when I worked at a drug store, and some poor handicapped dude, who always had boners in his uniform, and who I’d make ask the cashiers creepy things, who was straight from the retard home, was brought in to sweep floors for 2 dollars an hour, that he probably say 50 cents of..only less half naked…or easy to tolerate because she looks like this half naked…I mean dealing with a retard you don’t want to have sex with can be frustrating, but when you do want to have sex with them, all their retard things that grate on your nerves, becoming endearing because you know she’s too retarded to say no, so you put up with it…

Either way, she’s posing with a giant blow-up picture of her ass, and that’s gotta be a fetish to someone out there….

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Nina Agdal Posing With her Giant Ass of the Day September 24th, 2013