Ariana Grande Does the Naughty School Girl of the Day

I don’t know anything about Ariana Grande, other than that she’s some child star who is making it as a singer, for whatever reason, who they are packaging as a wholesome and respectable girl, who you know is anything but wholesome and respectable because she’s an aspiring star in Hollywood in her 20s….who like all other aspiring stars in their 20s…are just puppets being packaged by big business to make everyone money….and in their private life are totally into drugs, sex and good times, like everyone else…so this School girl pick…is just that…naughty…and not really girl being wholesome…but maybe I’m just saying that cuz a decade ago I used to have sex with a school girl who would skip school to have sex…I mean she was 18…and 16 is legal here…so it was a totally innocent and loving exchange that was hot as fuck…and like an acid trip, this is the flashback…

Ariana Grande Does the Naughty School Girl of the Day September 27th, 2013