Jungle Music Scam and Other Videos of the Day

Some Australian sounding back-packers, because if you’ve ever traveled you’ll know they are all fucking Australians, were traveling deep in the jungles of Guadalcanal….wherever the fuck that is…and they came across a man with a UKULELE who wasn’t a hipster girl on her way to the park….which is so strange in and of itself…since that’s what I thought UKULELE’s were invented for…

These Australians asked him to play them a song, in a Dance Monkey Dance kinda way, and he did his on the shoulder stunt that all the tourists freak out for, thinking they just met a man untouched by society with natural talent, when really dude learned how to play this shit on Youtube…

They ended up throwing 50 dollars at him, reminding the jungle man why he and his UKULELE do this scam in the first place….and the whole story makes me laugh…that’s why I am posting it…

Stupid Australians…

If you don’t like that…here’s a kid fucking with a cat…until the cat attacks him and it is the best LOLCat video of ever

Jungle Music Scam and Other Videos of the Day September 30th, 2013