More Sophie Simmons Thickness of the Day

THere are some things in life that can’t be explained and one of them is that I am oddly attracted to Sophie Simmons in her bikini…and my body is giving me awkward boners to these pics…boners that should never happen to a girl of her stature…especially since unlike every dude she’s ever had sex with, I am not a KISS fan, but I guess this is just a testament to hot good of a marketers Gene Simmons is, I mean I’ll buy into all he produces and puts out there…at least when it’s thick like this…

Trust me, this is against everything I stand for…which I guess is ok, since I am sitting…

But seriously, where’s her eating disorder, why are the high Fructose Corn Syrup manufacturers winning…why is it that at the club all the young girls are fat and I like them…is this the end of me? I guess only time will tell…


More Sophie Simmons Thickness of the Day September 30th, 2013