Adele Exarchopoulos for GQ of the Day

These GQ pics of Adele Exarchopoulos, an actress who you probably only heard about last week, when the movie she has a lot of scandalous sex in was on the press tour because it was finally allowed in the USA, despite being pretty fucking racy, a movie I POSTED SOME HOT GIFs From …hot GIFs that are substantially better than these week old GQ pics, but I endorse any actress willing to get fucked on camera, especially at such a young and new to the industry age…so here she is, even if you’ve seen it before…

Here’s the video…

I call this post an excuse to link to THE HOT NUDE GIFS FROM THE MOVIE SHE IS IN

Adele Exarchopoulos for GQ of the Day October 29th, 2013