NSFW Pippi Longstocking star Tami Erin’s Sex Tape of the Day

I am a little late on this…but apparently the Pipi Longstocking tape that was advertised as being stolen and leaked without her consent has hit the internet and is available for sale…but as someone who has been on a porn set, I know that even the fucking make-up artist has to have her ID photocopied and contracts need to be signed, cuz this shit is regulated hard…

This is just another basic example of a basic low level trying to get famous in the most basic way…and the good news is she does anal, but in this day and age, I think everyone does anal…

If this happened when she was still on TV…you know still on Pipi Longstocking and not just a the girl who was on Pipi Longstocking people over 40 remember…this could be interesting…

I mean at least more interesting than seeing a chick craving attention getting cummed on her belly…because I’m always down to watch that shit…even if it’s an obvious fail on all fronts…

People just don’t get it…this isn’t the 90s…sex tapes don’t fool us anymore…

NSFW Pippi Longstocking star Tami Erin’s Sex Tape of the Day October 29th, 2013