Man Lights is Wife On Fire Playing at the Gas Station of the Day

This is pretty bad…even for the inner wife-hater in all of us…

Some idiot named Austin Dawkins from Georgia was playing with a lighter while filling his car up at a gas station, because he’s so crazy, and life in Georgia sucks for people like him, who need to step up the excitement by being breaking the no lighter rules…rules he quickly learned why they exist…when his girl went up in flames…probably disfigured…and definitely not very happy about the whole thing…making home life pretty miserable for the rest of his life…and not just from changing the bandages…but from her not getting over it…because as you may know…women don’t forget when you tell them they are fat…14 years earlier…let alone when you lit them on fucking fire…they say he’s faces criminal charges, and it is safe to say, he probably sure as hell hopes he gets locked up, as to not have to deal with the wrath worse than prison rape…an angry burnt up wife…

Pretty crazy video showcasing just how stupid some of us are…

Man Lights is Wife On Fire Playing at the Gas Station of the Day November 5th, 2013