Paris Hilton’s Inspirational Marketing Pitch While Honored in a Russian Mall of the Day

I don’t know what Russian Billionaire Paris Hilton had sex with, but I am going to assume he owns the Russian Mall that presented her with this star on their walk of fame….and that they probably met on Yachts in Ibizia…or maybe Russia, like during the cold war, is just 10 years behind America and hitting up on our last week’s kitchen garbage, honouring them with bullshit things, and giving them a venue to feel important since they have fallen off at home….or maybe…just maybe…no one else returned this Mall’s call for such a silly thing…because flying the 10-12 hours even for a free Moscow trip…was more of a pain in the ass than anything…but it’s nice to see Paris took the opportunity to pitch her shit to a poor unsuspecting crowd who just want a taste of America…but instead got a taste of a vapid, useless, famewhore brat…who likes to talk about herself…which I guess based on the girls I’ve met…is a taste of America…good times.

Paris Hilton’s Inspirational Marketing Pitch While Honored in a Russian Mall of the Day November 5th, 2013