Some UK Twerking Championship Video of the Day

So there is a UK Twerk championship in that takes place at some really shitty looking club…where strippers and booty come together in shorts and gyrate in various positions that Miley Cyrus only wished she could do…if she wasn’t already caked the fuck up and rich with no real need to twerk other than it being a good marketing spin…

I think seeing the Drake looking dude in the background losing his shit to a jiggling ass like it is the coming of christ is the highlight of the video to me…like dude never saw a fat ass jiggle before…not because I like Drake looking dudes better than crazy ass dancing…

It’s just there isn’t really anything all that hot about this, it’s like the big black hooker I saw in the bar last night, sure she was alright to look at because nothing else was going on, but I wasn’t into paying her 100 dollars for a blow job….

Maybe I am pretty over the whole twerking thing…unless it’s college girls reaching and trying hard to be hot, relevant, and hip hop pop culture…but I can’t imagine that ever happening…I think twerkin is a “for life”…dance..I will always embrace…yo.

Some UK Twerking Championship Video of the Day November 21st, 2013