Aly Michalka in Some Bikini Goodness of the Day

I still don’t really know who Aly Michalka is, I know she has a sister, I know they were in a band, I know they had a Disney show and I know one of them had a lot of plastic surgery, yet I don’t know much more about who they are, what they do…and what they are all about…I mean after looking at these pics of her ass in a bikini posed over her balcony in St Lucia that she posted to the internet…I really want to get to know her at her core…literally…I’m romantic and perverted like that….but then again, these vapid celebrity really don’t have that much substance, so maybe this is all we need to know…and luckily for me, that’s enough…I mean sure a sex tape would be a more interesting approach…but I have low standards and expectations…I can deal with bikini pics.

Aly Michalka in Some Bikini Goodness of the Day December 3rd, 2013