Russian Parenting Compilation of the Day

Russia is an interesting place that I don’t really know anything about, other than the whole Cold War, Iron Curtain, Communist work camp, unable to buy Levis, love for McDonalds, Olympic Medal winning, super human because they killed off the weak ones, hard living, hard drinking, no soul…amazingly hot women…which I guess is all I need to know…

Things are done differently in Russia, especially parenting, that’s not to say they are right or wrong, maybe just confused by their freedom, and I think it’s a whole lot of fun to watch…

If you don’t like Russian parenting, here’s a crazy bitch in an Oktober Fest Fight even though it’s December…

And a UPS Driver treating boxes like I treat boxes…with a tender touch thanks to being unionized and hating his job.

Russian Parenting Compilation of the Day December 5th, 2013