Beyonce Does the Tranny in Lingerie of the Day

I am guessing this is a screenshot from her surprise free album / video publicity stunt that I assume was designed to make her more money in the long run…and get people talking about her…while sneaking in some ill-advised scenes of her wearing lingerie, looking like a dude, but not just any dude, but a dude trying to look hot and sexy, which from my experience, is usually the worst kind of dude, especially when you discover she’s a dude, when she’s already had your dick in her mouth…in a back alley, while you thought to yourself “this is too good to be true” the entire time…before realizing that it was… This is all just competing with Rihanna for Jay-Z’s love and failing.

Beyonce Does the Tranny in Lingerie of the Day December 16th, 2013