Cara Delevingne Shitty Sword Fight of the Day

Cara Delevingne confuses me…

She’s got the face of a handicapped girl throwing up, and the body of an average at best skinny girl who does a lot of cocaine, no fitness, and eats a bit too much cheese and baguette when back in France…

I’m talking, dumpy, uninteresting, weird faced, and not cute, unless she was maybe an animal at the fucking zoo….but not for a successful “It” Girl model…

I mean she’s in a bikini and she does absolutely nothing for me, I feel like I’m looking the awkward nerdy bitch no one wanted to fuck who compensated with a big personality…

Yet, she’s not just a fashion model, with that hipster look, who photographs well, with hair and make-up, lights and a good photographer…you know that that brands use to stay hip and relevant…

She’s a fucking Victoria’s Secret model…yet she looks average a best…proving a few things, like that Victoria’s Secret is just attaching themselves to whatever is popular because they can afford to, that celebrities like Rihanna, make friends with whoever is considered cool by the media, that no one cares about a substantial body anymore, and more importantly, that everything we see is a fucking fabricated lie that doesn’t hold any merit or truth, and that talentless underserving cunts usually are the ones they feed us, when the real quality is stuck working at a diner cuz their dad or their social life didn’t get the right dick shoved down their throat.


Cara Delevingne Shitty Sword Fight of the Day December 30th, 2013