Demi Lovato Bikini Pic of the Day

The only thing I know about Demi Lovato is that I’ve been told she has a Lesbian Sex tape with Miley that they shot when they were under 18…and that people have been passing around the mean streets of Nashville the last 5 years…leading to Demi Lovato having a break down that she’s clearly crawled out of…at least according to this bikini selfie that she posted the other day that says “it’s a weekday and I am tanning on the beach, my life is a fucking vacation, you’re all a bunch of assholes, buy my next album, it pays for this shit, while you work for 10 dollars a fucking hour”…

I like appreciative bi-polar girls like that…but only when they are in a bikini selfie.

Demi Lovato Bikini Pic of the Day January 16th, 2014