Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The nice thing about the internet is that you don’t have to leave your house, even when you’re house is filled with the smell of shit and death thanks to your wife’s hygiene and obesity…

It’s like I remember a time when I wanted to travel and see the world, but now I have google for that…and sure as much as I hate the Grammys, it was probably a good time and I would have had fun with the open bar and slut trying to be famous…but I can see it all here …it’s like why bother…and that’s why I am going on day 14 of hibernation..and it’s alright..

Here are some links…

Every GIF From the 2014 Grammys


Jonah Hill and Leo Recreate the Titanic


This Week’s Best Fail Videos


The World’s 10 Biggest Animals of All Time


So Many Girls Masturbating in one Place


Lady Chooses Skeeball Over Her Baby


The 9 Sexiest Flowers


Cute Girls Do Ugly Girl Face


Beyonce is Copying Flashdance…


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day January 27th, 2014