Irina Shayk for V Magazine of the Day

Irina Shayk is rocking the pole in V magazine like some kind of Eastern European immigrant stripper.

She is in a photo studio, a controlled pole dancing environment, with lighting kit and photographer, assistants, make-up artists. Totally far removed from being an actual stripper, you know, a place where they can laugh about actual strippers…

But the reality is, she’s a poor Russian girl, who I guess made the right steps and took the right risks, who may not strip to pay the bills, at least not in a strip club like some single mother, she’s more into stripping for fashion…

So what I see here, when they mock the pole dancers, is a career that shoulda been, and I Guess I find that exciting because strippers, even the ones with attitudes, have more tolerable egos than models who should have been strippers.

Here are the pics.

Irina Shayk for V Magazine of the Day March 4th, 2014