Miley Cyrus Motorboats and Performs in her Underwear of the Day


So you may have already heard the story because you’re up to speed on this Miley Cyrus concert bullshit, while I am too busy not really caring about what publicity stunt she’s up to next, unless that Publicity stunt is a sex tape, I’ve seen it all, and all her cries to get noticed are actually just fucking boring…

That said…she didn’t have time to do a costume change, performed in her underwear, and this is the video of some stage manager playing with her droppy asshole..and based on my expertise in panties, I think she should try to size up a little…

Not to mention, I doubt this is actually her underwear, just another stilly way to get attention, like her motor boating her back-up dancer…

All this to say, she’s great for the youth of tomorrow.

Miley Cyrus Motorboats and Performs in her Underwear of the Day March 11th, 2014