Kim Kardashian Bikini Selfies of the Day

I posted something on Facebook the yesterday about the instagram model lie, which I guess is the real model lie, as well as the real pig who made it onto TV via a sex tape for having a big round fake ass…

It’s basically how to do before and after fitness pics, that make a girl go from a fatty to a ripped toned babe, in a matter of minutes, using shading from self tanning make-up, the right clothes, and angles…

After seeing Kim Kardashian Paparazzi pics from the last few days, years, months, fucking forever, it is safe to say, every scam, lie, smoke and mirror trick in the book, from possibly not even being a selfie, but rather shot by a photographer and edited, since there is NO way this bitch looks like this…


It’s safe to say…not the same fucking person…other than the ass implant you can see from her front…it’s all a smoke show…kinda like everything about her…

This is what Kim K’s Bikini Selfie Reminds me of…a fucking disaster.

UPDATE – Apparently Kim K put on this bikini to prove she fits in her 15 year old sister’s bikini because it’s important for the world to know that fabric stretches and that her 4 fooot 11 fat ass wears the same size as her 6 foot tall sister… SOURCE

Kim Kardashian Bikini Selfies of the Day March 13th, 2014