Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Sometimes the things I write get me in trouble with the people I care about, because sometimes I write crazy things, but I realize that I shouldn’t care about what anyone thinks, because they are just on a self serving agenda, and I need to write instinctively, but the fact that texting my wife that she was a fat pig who I love cheating on was probably not some of my best work…and now she’s crying…no one has a sense of humor these days…or maybe, I’m the one with a weird sense of humor…

Here are some morning links…

Girls IN Bed


This is what the People in The Avengers will Look Like


Dr Drew Would Rather Kill Himself than Have a Emotionally Battered Porn Daugther


Amanda Seyfried is a Cowgirl


The 12 Worst Parkers


I Do Not Know Why These Super Mario Brothers Acapella’s Exist


Obama’s Fina Four Picks


Lena Dunham Says Judge the Creep not the Creep’s Work


OMG You Won’t Believe What This Girl Sticks In Her….


Jason Segel as David Foster Wallace


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day March 19th, 2014