Lake Bell Topless in Esquire of the Day

Lake Bell is some New York city rich kid, who I am sure I have heard of, but has barely done anything significant enough for me to notice, at least not in the mainstream, so I wikipedia-ed her to see what her deal was, and it turns out she’s 35, which may be old as fuck, but apparently not too old to show her tits in a magazine, and along with a bunch of shitty acting jobs, she writes and directs and stars in her own movies, which despite being some narcissist hustle, I kind of respect that she’s taken on the industry with her own resources, without them, and that may make her a bigger star than working for the hollywood assholes, it’s a DIY strategy that I like…but maybe I’m just distracted by her nipples in Esquire…

Lake Bell Topless in Esquire of the Day April 24th, 2014