Nicki Minaj’s “Friend’s” Ass Dances of the Day

Nicki Minaj posted these ass shaking videos of “her friend”…shaking her ass…because no attention seeking girl trying to market herself as hip hop despite being from the same acting school as Gaga and launching her career as the black gaga, before realizing it’s way more sustainable to be in every hip hop song, because people will treat you as a hip hop act, which despite being as pop as pop, has some level of “cool” or relevant, even though nothing about her is hip hop…and in doing that rebrand, she’s been whoring out consistently, and that’s way better than candy coated stupid costume shit she did before…you see cuz she’s got a big ass and some big tits and I like staring…even when its of her “Friend”…I mean her whole career is a lie, why would I expect anything less on instagram…

Nicki Minaj’s “Friend’s” Ass Dances of the Day April 28th, 2014