Jenny McCarthy Photoshopped for Shape Magazine of the Day

I have heard nothing good about Jenny McCarthy. She’s a devil woman, totally into herself, who exploits her autistic kid to put herself back on the map for being more than just some annoying as fuck MTV host / Playboy model.

Clearly, she’s not an idiot, and understands how the system works, but she is one of those girls I’d want to pay some bull dyke cage fighter fresh out of prison, who hates all things blonde and plastic, especially when they are annoying and loud as fuck, because a blonde and plastic chick ruined her in high school, to beat her up…because hitting girls is wrong, I’m not about that, but convincing an angry lesbian to do it, seems like it’s the perfect grey area to get what needs to be done for the better of man-kind since Jenny McCarthy is evil….

Here she is photoshopped in Shape magazine, to celebrate being 100 years old and finally engaged to a New Kid on the Block. Dreams do come true. Sometimes they just take a few decades and breast implants…

Jenny McCarthy Photoshopped for Shape Magazine of the Day May 20th, 2014