Joanna Halpin by Byrdie Mack Nipple of the Day

Joanna Halpin is a pretty insignificant model on instagram, but from my experience, the number of instagram followers a model has, doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of money she makes modelling, because girls who are working models, don’t bother self promoting themselves like a bunch of fucking attention seeking hookers, trying to get noticed by the one dude who has a wallet, they are too busy already making money, and all the fringe instagram models, are just doing that shit for free, to get followers, or likes, because it makes them feel about being spoiled rich kids and/or broke ass models working at walmart…

That said, here’s Joanna Halpin’s nipple…because real models show their nipples and I always look!

Joanna Halpin by Byrdie Mack Nipple of the Day May 20th, 2014