Doughy Ashley Benson and the Pretty Little Liars 100 Episode Party of the Day

Pretty Little Liars is a hugely successful show…that has made Ashley Benson famous…despite being chubby in a bikini in Spring Breakers….and it turns out that she’s not The photoshopped babe from GQ you may think she is…and that her tits, like so many big tits before her, we’re talking Kate Upton, come at a price…and that price is usually that the rest of her is usually big too….and despite hating fat girls who play hot girls that people want to fuck in the media…I am not that offended by Ashley Benson, because she obviously knows she looks like this, and she’s owning it, and getting paid for it, rather than locking herself away like so many other fat girls eating her feelings and hanging with her cats…she’s the fat you want to fuck, because it’s rich, famous, on TV and lives a better life that the fat you normally fuck thanks to tinder….

ALl this to say, if this girl spent some of her money on a personal trainer, she’d be unstoppable…now she’s just unstoppable if she takes a running start at you….inertia..


Doughy Ashley Benson and the Pretty Little Liars 100 Episode Party of the Day June 2nd, 2014