Bethany Townsend is Model with Colostomy Bag of the Day

Her name is Bethany Townsend and she has gone viral for posing in a bikini with her colostomy bag, something that I would normally think may be disgusting, but realize it is all about perspective…

Firstly, she had a debilitating disease, so this thing saves her, and she shouldn’t be ashamed of that.

Secondly, guys like to think girls don’t shit…well this girl doesn’t shit…

The only bummer…#noanal.

I find her hot, skinny as fuck, possible due to being sick, and I am all for owning your self and your bikini body, so long as you aren’t fat.

New fetish..maybe..

Bethany Townsend is Model with Colostomy Bag of the Day July 4th, 2014